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Why join the USC GeneScreen registry?

USC GeneScreen allows researchers to partner with people like you who want to make a difference in Alzheimer's outcomes. Joining the registry gives you access to innovative studies at the University of Southern California and Keck Medicine of USC, a leading research institution and hospital.  You will be the first to learn about and be invited to join clinical studies for which you may be eligible.


Your participation in clinical research is crucial for advancing medical knowledge and ultimately improving the health of individuals and society as a whole. Alzheimer's studies at the University of California aim to better understand the causes and progression of Alzheimer's, and can ultimately lead to the development of new and more effective treatments, as well as improved diagnostic tools and prevention strategies.  We need your help to accomplish these goals.  Participating in a clinical research study may also provide individuals with access to new treatments that may not yet be widely available, as well as help others who may be affected by the same condition in the future.


Participation in clinical research is always voluntary and you will be fully informed about each study, including the risks and benefits, before you decide whether or not to participate. The rights and safety of participants are protected by ethical guidelines and oversight. 

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